I picked up development responsibilities for Micrsoft's Notepad app in the fall of 1993 right after it had been converted to be a Unicode application. Our test team had converted it from a 16 bit app to a 32 bit app to test some porting tools and found ourselves the proud owners because the Shell team refused to deal with it. I have to admit it wasn't pretty; the port had been done with automated tools and the Unicode conversion was done rather quickly by someone on a tight schedule.
It was strange that a test team was responsible for maintaining shipping components, but there you are. I also maintained some of the games most notably Solitaire, and Mine Sweeper for the same reason. Dealing with these was pretty simple since we tested in the area and they didn't have any Product Managers changing requirements on them, so it was pretty much maintenance mode fixes: keep up with UI changes, use better common dialogs, and in the games cases, use a common cards DLL. But they were heavily used, so there were always some suggestions for improvements.
I cleaned up the Notepad code and started working on the first real problem: performance. It turned out that loading a 1 megabyte Unicode file would take 5 minutes to display on the fastest machine we had at the time: a 50 MHz MIPS box. This problem had to be fixed in multiple places in GDI and wasn't a Notepad problem. Apparently GDI cached glyphs and character metrics for computing character widths but only kept at most 256 contiguous characters at a time. With Unicode, if you used characters that were more than 256 points apart, GDI would recalculate the metrics. And it turned out there were layers of these caches: one in user mode, and at least one in kernel mode. It took a while to find all these caches and do the right thing, especially on small memory configurations.
The next problem was the string find function. It used to be fast, but when the Unicode conversion happened it got very very slow. This function does a case insensitive search for a string in the edit buffer. In the ANSI character set, converting to upper-case is easy and is typically done with a table lookup. Unicode is much harder. You might think it could be done with a 64K table but you would be wrong sometimes. There are single characters that when you convert them to lower-case turn into two characters and other non-intuitive things. The proper thing to do is use the Unicode Win32 compare API, but this API has to do all this interesting work and was the cause of the slowdown.
The trick is to convert the first character of the string you are looking for into both upper and lower-case and search for either of these in the buffer. If one is found, use the Unicode compare API. Most of the time the first character will not match and the slow API will not be called.
This performance problem was not seen in Windows 95 because a) that version of Notepad was ANSI only and b) the largest file the Windows 95 Notepad could handle was 32K characters. Really. If the Windows 95 Notepad detected a file large than that, it ran Wordpad on it instead. This led to an interesting bug reported to us later.
Lots of bugs get reported against Notepad but most of them aren't Notepad bug per se. But I had to triage them when they came in and assign them to the right developer. For example, if Notepad can't print right on a certain printer, the bug would be assigned to me when clearly it was a print subsystem bug. There were also common dialog bugs and edit control bugs that I had to deal with. The funniest one was a report of a blue screen (kernel crash) caused by Notepad just days before we shipped NT 3.1. I looked at the stack trace and realized that it was aborting inside the 16 bit DOS/Windows emulator. It turned out that the user was running the 16 bit version of Notepad that wasn't even in the shipping product, but was on a network share that he was using.
We had one other case where Notepad blue screened the OS. Notepad needs to know the length of the file it is editing and I used the first API I could find that returned the 64 bit length. If memory serves me, it was GetFileInformationByHandle. This API got far more information than I needed, but met my needs. But then a user reported crashing the system when he accessed a file on a network drive from Notepad. The code at fault was deep in the remote file system code, but the developer of that part of the system (Larry Osterman) was just down the hall. The problem was in his code but only showed up when accessing a share on a DEC VAX system. The API that I was using had exercised a little used part of the system that clearly hadn't been tested on ALL known implementations of this network protocol. Larry tried to convince me to use a lighter weight API, but since it was only called once per file open, I left it in. Since Notepad is a popular application, it might find other implementations with the same bug.
More Notepad stories in part II